Change can mean different things for different people.
It varies on the different levels for each individual.
For me.
Change is constant.
It's an ongoing situation in your life wherever you are.
With whoever you with.
It depends on your situation and issues that comes with it.
Difficult situation forces you to make the change instant.
Some other situations doesn't.
It's taps on your thinking and problem solving skills.
You know those you learnt in school.
Your initiative to act to something instead of just reacting towards that situation.
Not all can get a hold of this traits.
It's how you are being trained.
Be it in school, home or workplace.
And thats just the half of the factor that could train you for this traits.
The other half is yourself.
Your attitude and thinking.
Teachings can be thrown to you day and night.
24/7 all around the clock.
But at the end of the day is up to you wether you wanna apply those traits on yourself.
Or just keep on dwelling and get stuck.
That's when procrastination comes in.
Procrastinations lead to delays.
Which then will just stop the change.
Everyone deems to change for the better.
For some they do it for the sake of others.
Some they do it for the sake of their sanity.
I, however, do it for both.
I'll try to do it for my own benefit of course.
Majority are scared of changes because of the repercussions that comes with it.
Wether that individual is willing to deal with that after the change is made.
Even before they do it.
They have these thoughts in their heads.
Sayings and discussion in their head.
Their what ifs.
Their should haves.
Their could be.
And other thousands phrases and insecurities.
My advice.
If you prepared to change.
Do it.
Yes motivation is the key.
And a whole lot of others.
Too many to mention.
It won't be easy , that is without a doubt.
You might fall back.
You might dwell back.
You might repeat the same mistakes again.
What's important is you have tried.
If it doesn't go the way you wanted it to be.
It's okay. Nobody is pointing a gun to your head and blaming you.
It's gonna be disappointment.
But it's gonna be better than before knowing that you tried.
The importance of trying for every change is crucial.
You don't try, you'll never know.
So get you chin up and do it.
Regret not doing it.
Is much more worse than regret of doing it and turning out otherwise.
Gonna be another set of what ifs and could have.
Be bold.
Even if it is the smallest of all change.
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